Saturday, December 30, 2006

Wi-Fi Hotspot Security

You've set up your Boingo account, you're hanging out at the Home Turf sports bar in LAX and you figure you'll do a little business or check your e-mail while sipping a Chardonnay. Well, that's the point of Wi-Fi hotspots; being able to take care of a few things while in a relaxing atmosphere.

Don't, however, get so relaxed that you ignore security and give all your confidential information to some unscrupulous hacker. Yeah, you see the guy. He's over in the corner wearing that fake nose and glasses with the ridiculous Bozo the Clown cap. Yep, drinking a Blatz. Dead give away.

Sorry, they won't be that obvious, I doubt they ever drink Blatz and very seldom wear clown caps. When you're thinking back, trying to remember who was around when your password was stolen, you probably won't remember the woman in the tastefully tailored business suit, and if, by chance, you do, she won't be the one you suspect. The best defense is to implement some simple security practices and measures that will safeguard your business and personal information.
Hot Spot Security: Simple Stuff
Be aware of those around you.

When you're considering Wi-Fi security in public places one of the first safeguards is anything but high tech. Remember a few years ago when people were getting huge phone bills because someone was watching as they keyed in pass codes? It's still happening to Wi-Fi network subscribers. Do what you can to keep prying eyes from your keyboard and screen. You pay good money for your monthly subscription and there's no reason to let anyone piggyback or steal your credit card number as you sign up for a daily use fee at Starbucks.
Speaking of passwords:

Those of us who toil and travel are prime targets for those who may be of the persuasion to purloin. In other words, it's quite possible to be targeted for laptop theft. Use a complex password to protect your files, folders and laptop from access by those villains of concourse and lobby.
Don't Share!

Yes, I know, mothers have been telling us to share for centuries but, at least while using a Wi-Fi hotspot, make sure you disable file sharing. It might be great for the home and good at the office but it's disaster in the making at your favorite coffee house.
Use a Personal Firewall.

If you're using a corporate laptop make sure you talk to your IT department before you install any firewalls but if the laptop you're using is your own let me suggest downloading a copy of ZoneAlarm. There are others of course but, for personal use, since ZoneAlarm is free and seems to test better than the rest I can't see a reason to recommend another.

Most of the reasons for using a firewall should be self-evident but, to say the least, you'll want to be made aware of any traffic coming or going and any unusual communication between applications.
Hot Spot Security: Less Simple Stuff
Beware the Evil Twin

Otherwise known as 'Rogue Hotspots' or the 'soft AP attack' this Wi-Fi version of the e-mail Phishing scam is perpetrated by hackers who jam and mimic the signal and SSID of a legitimate hotspot. They then serve up a sign-in page garnering usernames, passwords and, in some cases, credit card numbers. If they go so far as to allow a connection to the Internet they're then in the position to intercept unencrypted traffic as well as any files open to sharing (Don't Share!).

There are a few things you can do to protect yourself from 'Evil Twins':

* Don't set your Wi-Fi card to allow automatic connection to any available network.

* Check the list of available SSIDs to make sure you're connecting to the right one.

* Turn off the ad-hoc mode allowing other clients to connect directly to you.

* Turn off your Wi-Fi card entirely as soon as you're finished.

* Use the personal or enterprise version of 'AirDefense', whichever may be appropriate.

* Although a firewall won't keep you from connecting to an 'Evil Twin' it will help to safeguard your information should you inadvertently fall victim.

Encrypt Confidential Information

Data that's transmitted between yourself and a secure Web site can be counted on to be safe from the Starbucks Snidely Whiplash so when you're purchasing goods, or banking on-line, you can do so without fear. When you're logging onto the secure portion of the site, however, you may be doing so without the protection of security so be careful to note whether or not the sign in page is secured (https).

When sending e-mail there are a few things you can do to safeguard yourself. For example, instead of using Outlook or Thunderbird, take advantage of your ISP's Web interface which, in most cases, will be secure and should protect your data during transmission.

If you frequently encounter the need to send large files via e-mail then using a compression program will meet your need to reduce the size of the file and most compression programs will also secure the data with encryption.

Another option is to use a free encryption program like Cryptainer LE. Cryptainer LE can encrypt any or all the files stored on your hard drive, protecting them in case your laptop is stolen or compromised, as well as allow you to e-mail them with the security of encryption. Cryptainer PE is also offered for enterprise applications.
Use a Virtual Private Network

Think of a virtual private network (VPN) as a solid conduit, or tunnel, between your laptop and your company's network. By using a VPN your communications will be as secure as they would be if you were sitting at your desk.

Mac OS X™, Windows™ 2000 and Windows™ XP have built in VPN clients and if you're a user of Windows™ 98, ME or NT you can download the free Microsoft® L2TP/IPSec VPN Client from Microsoft®. If you're a Linux user you can download the free S/WAN VPN client.

While the use of a VPN is one of the best ways to protect your confidential data when you're using a Wi-Fi hotspot it is, unfortunately, limited to communication between your laptop and your company's server. If you want to conduct personal business with similar security levels the best solution may be the award winning GoToMyPC software.
Use Anti-Virus Software

It's somewhat surprising that so many people are aware of the dangers of 'net borne viruses and, yet, so many either fail to incorporate anti-virus programs like McAfee & Norton or fail to keep them up to date. When you're using a public hotspot it's more important than ever to have anti virus software installed.

Once you've got the software up and running make sure that it's updated on a regular basis and update it anytime you hear about a new virus or a new version of an old virus. If you've got an auto-update feature built into your program make sure you take advantage of it.

Free Wi-Fi Hotspots

'TANSTAAFL', the acronym for 'There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch', may be familiar to those of you who have taken a college economics class or two. Whenever you hear the word 'Free' in association with a product or service it's a good idea to keep it in mind because, in truth, nothing is free. Someone, somewhere, somehow, is bearing an economic cost; and so it is with free Wi-Fi hotspots. For the most part any of the free Wi-Fi hotspots you'll come across will have some sort of quid pro quo associated with them.

If you go to a McDonalds, for example, you can get a bit of free Wi-Fi with the purchase of a meal, if you go to Panera Bread or Port City Java, although not explicitly stated, it's implied that you're expected, as you should be, to buy something for the privilege of taking up table space while surfing the 'net'.

Along with businesses several Municipal and International Airport Authorities, as well as a growing number of airline club lounges, are providing free Wi-Fi in an effort to sway travellers, who may have a choice between several carriers or nearby airports, to choose them. Similarly, more and more hotels are offering free Wi-Fi for their guests so, while the Wi-Fi hotspot may be advertised as free, it's cost is rolled into the room rate or expensed to advertising.

There are a few venues in which, although funding may come through taxation of some sort, no direct user cost is associated. An increasing number of public libraries, for example, are offering free Wi-Fi and, amid increasing controversy, several towns and cities have either set up free Wi-Fi Hotzones or they're exploring the possibilities.

Finding these free Wi-Fi hotspots is not that difficult. sponsors the Wi-Fi-FreeSpot Directory and some Wi-Fi aggregators, like GoRemote, are beginning to include the listings of free hotspots in their directories.

When you're accessing a free Wi-Fi hotspot there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Don't expect much tech help. The waiters, waitresses or baristas may have some working knowledge but, don't count on it, that's not why they're there.
  • Don't overstay your welcome. If there's a line of people trying to find a seat and you've been nursing a latte for two hours you, and others like you, may be contributing to the venue owner's growing desire to start charging a hefty fee for the Wi-Fi access they provide.
  • Make sure you follow good Wi-Fi Hotspot Security practices.

So, while free may not be entirely free, it's definitely reasonable. With a bit of planning you should be able to save yourself a few dollars a month while enjoying the ambiance of your favorite free Wi-Fi hotspot.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Laptop Computers Instigate Classroom Revolution!

Have you noticed that laptop computers are beginning to dictate what happens in the classroom? Additionally, mobile technology is changing where learning takes place. This is especially true as laptops are entering the educational arena in ever increasing numbers.

Yet not all educators are quick to jump on the notebook bandwagon. They are waiting to see if laptop use is truly changing learning for the better. That’s why schools such as Framingham State College in Boston and the Myron B. Thompson Academy in Honolulu are being scrutinized. Both schools have elected to use laptop computers as a major resource in their curriculum.

It must be noted that simply having laptop computer access does not change the learning process - the entire curriculum must change and merge technology with academics. Using a laptop is more than replacing paper and pencil with electronics. The entire relationship between the teacher and students must change. Teachers are no longer merely dispensers of knowledge but become facilitators in a learning process that takes place with additional tools for communication with students. This encourages greater student involvement, long recognized as a key to learning.

Professors actively engaged in education via technology see laptops as a way to give real life experiences to otherwise insipid theories. For instance, physics students can witness the breakdown of radioactive materials, math students can apply their knowledge of logic to projects that use spreadsheets, and english majors can evaluate peers’ poetry and prose. With laptop availability in the classroom, access to additional information and knowledge is readily available.

So what do students think of the laptop trend? Well most find it invigorating. Rather than dealing with one dimensional lectures, teachers can engage the internet to show relevancy to daily life. Out of date, static texts can be set aside for breaking news stories - and so much more.

As schools show the link between laptops and learning effectiveness, the trend for laptop use will certainly grow. For those opposed to the technological revolution taking place in today's classrooms, perhaps the words of Maria Montessori should be heeded.

The Day My Laptop was Stolen Almost Killed My Business

One of the worst feelings I have ever had was the day my laptop was stolen. The laptop can be replaced. However the loss of critical DATA was the biggest risk my business has ever faced.

When I recovered from the experience I asked myself the question….”what can I learn from this disaster?” The lesson is simple, loss of data is the largest threat facing any business.

There is nothing that can prepare you for the feeling of loss and the dread that comes with knowing that your personal data is gone forever. While it is very inconvenient and can be very expensive to replace the laptop itself, NOTHING can replace the hours of hard work that is represented by the data stored on a modern computers hard disk drive.

Whether you own a laptop for personal use, or have one for business reasons, there are many, many, items that are sitting there on your hard drive that are simply priceless. We don’t often think about the little bits of ones and zeros etched into a spinning magnetic plate as being critical elements in our lives, but no matter what you use a computer for, you most likely have literally megabytes (at least) or even gigabytes of data that you can not afford to lose.

For personal computer users there are mp3 play lists, emails, personal photo albums, and other important files that we all save on our hard disks. For the professional computer user, the stakes are higher…perhaps it’s the accounting data for your company’s 3rd quarter earnings, the PowerPoint presentation you will be giving to the CEO on Thursday afternoon, or the proposal that needs to be sent to the European office A.S.A.P. These “intangible” bits of data play a critical role in our professional and personal lives, whether we like it or not.

Even the most experienced of computer users can take for granted their personal data stockpiles. This is where data backup storage comes into play. No matter how careful you are with your hardware there is always the potential for disaster to strike and rob you of your critical information, and the best way to ensure the integrity of your data and the hard work it represents is a well thought out online secure data backup solution.

By securing your data using an online secure data backup provider you are ensuring that your data is safe not only from circumstances beyond your control, such as laptop theft or natural disasters, but also safe from user error and prying eyes. An online secure data backup solution keeps your data safe and sound in a secure, offline location and is as simple to set up as the applications you are used to installing on your machines.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Laptop Computers and the PVP Effect!

Roll over lumbering desktop computers, the limber laptop is here, and it's here to stay! For a while now notebooks have outstripped their ageing desktop PC siblings, easily winning the gold medal in the computer sales olympics. We will illustrate how the PVP effect has contributed greatly to the increase in popularity of notebook computers.

(P) Portability:

Firstly it may be stating the obvious, but people buy laptops because they can take them anywhere. Office workers need no more be confined to their claustrophophic cubicles. Instead those statistic charts and data reports can be compiled on a train, in the comfort of an arm chair, or even on the beach! Portability equals flexibility, but alas this hasn't always been the case. Todays ultra portable laptop computers have a come along way since the bulky, sewing machine sized machines of the late seventies and early eighties. Indeed one of the first portable computers was built by IBM, and this machine (IBM 5100) weighed in at a hefty 50lbs! Today's corridor warriors would have trouble lugging that puppy from meeting to meeting, unless of course they subjected themselves to an intensive dose of steroids :)

(V) Value:

In the seventies the aforementioned IBM 5100 would have set you back a staggering 20,000 dollars. Today a top of the range IBM Thinkpad can be bought for around 3000 dollars. Cheaper Thinkpads can often be obtained for well under a thousand dollars, especially if you don't mind purchasing a used or refurbished model.

(P) Performance:

Many laptops today come fitted with Centrino processors which offer superb performance and improved battery life. What is Centrino I hear you ask? Well this is Intel's name for their new notebook technology that combines their Pentium M processor, 855 chipset and the Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 WiFi 802.11 network interface. Laptops fitted with these processors are usually lighter because of the smaller components used.

Couple this attractive feature with wireless networking technology and you have a powerful technological package. Wi-Fi is short for "Wireless Fidelity" and it's usage is growing quickly amongst home users, office workers, even coffee shops. If you enter Wi-Fi areas with a properly equipped notebook, you can access the Internet at broadband speeds.

Have Laptop Will Travel

Leave prepared when traveling with your notebook computer. Internet connectivity at your destination is one thing to think about when taking your portable office with you on your next trip. You might want to consider some of the following options:

Make sure you have a dial-up access account. Dial-up offers the advantage of portability. You can connect using any telephone jack. DSL and cable connection providers provide dial-up access for use when away from home. Check with your Internet Service Provider.

Find out which hotels offer internet connectivity. Most deluxe and extended stay hotel chains offer high-speed internet connections or have a special telephone with a jack for a line to connect with your computer's modem for dial-up. Some hotels even have a business center with fax and printer access.

Make a list of dial-up access numbers for your travel destinations. Check your ISP for access numbers at cities and towns served. It is best to make a spreadsheet to save on your laptop to use when you get there and for future reference. If your ISP serves only your local area, you might want to get a new ISP if you plan to travel frequently.

Know how to set up an internet connection using the internet connection wizard. To change your access number for the duration of an extended stay, go to your browser menu bar and select Tools, then Internet Options - Connections - Settings - Properties. Change the area code and the number. Know if you need to dial the area code and the number and include the area code in the Telephone Number field. Find out if you need to prefix a 9 to the number in the hotel you will be staying to access an outside line.

Wireless connectivity. A cell phone which can be connected to your computer or a slot card which is in itself a wireless dial-in device are useful where it is uncertain whether there exist land lines or you need internet access while on the road.

Bundle neatly all your cords and cables and pack your carrying case for easy inspection of your portable office by airport security personnel at the checkpoint.

Keep track of battery usage. Consider a spare battery, especially on long flights.

A portable, external USB Zip drive is avaliable for notebooks if you use Zip disks for backup and transfer. These are compact and need no separate power source.

Kinko's Copies offers services to notebook users such as printing from your laptop, dial-up and high speed internet connections and are located in most larger cities.

If your cumputer at the office runs 24-7 and has an "always on" internet connection you might want to subscribe to GoToMyPC service so that you can access your home office computer with your laptop when you are out of town.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Wireless Applications And Efficiency Improvement In Your Business

Until date, information technology integrates and implements the organizational digital systems by facilitating a smooth information flow both within the organization and between the organization and the outside world. Now, the business houses are beginning to adopt a new wing of the information technology called wireless applications. Being a new field the degree of implementation success and the risk reward ratio for wireless applications in an organization is still not too widely known. Wireless applications, however, do establish that they improve the process efficiency and the information flow is maintained even if the human resource is mobile.

Target Market: Wireless applications are more relevant to the mobile workers such as, the sales people, field executives, civil engineers, drivers, a person related to medical care, etc.

Wireless Applications Vis-À-Vis Company’s Objectives: One or more than one of the following ultimate key objectives of the company help determine the consideration of adoption of wireless applications in an organization:

The package either catalyzes the expansion of the company’s market share.

-Or, the package should help the company control its costs.
-Else, the company should get a competitive advantage by installing the package.

Usage Feasibility of Wireless Applications: The following points influence the company’s decision of implementing the wireless technology:

-The degree of return on investment
-The implementation management of the applications

Measuring the Efficiency Improvement by Wireless Applications

The following process efficiency analysis should help your company take a stand on the installation of wireless applications:

Information Flow: Analyze the present information flow in your organization. Then analyze the hypothetical information flow with the wireless technology. Try assessing which of the two models is efficient.

Technical Bottlenecks: Thoroughly analyze your company’s present technical limitations and shortcomings. Then see if it is feasible to add more technology to an already existing slack technology. Else, analyze if the present technical problem systems can be efficiently replaced by the new wireless technology.

Speed and Accuracy: Try comparing the pace and the accuracy of the data and information flow in the present system and the one with the wireless technology. Also, find out the degree of efficiency in the information flow via wireless applications with your mobile workforce.

Punctuality: Measure the timeliness of the wireless applications vis-à-vis the information flow, data availability and the data storage. Also, it’s vital to calculate the risk and the degree of data loss and what kind of steps and investments are required to prevent it.

Cost Reduction: Compare the cost of communication in the present system with that of wireless technology. Do include as well, the comparison of the one-time capital costs of the respective communication systems.

Competitive Advantage: The wireless technology should be able to strengthen your customer care, credit risk management and other market related organizational functions thereby getting you a competitive edge.

The field of wireless applications is still evolving and soon people will come to know about its advantages. Wireless technology is yet to begin as a revolution but when it will, the scale and effects will be immense.

Laptop Industry Gets Ready to Woo with Cheap Laptops

This is the latest news given by technology times. Apple is planning to slash its rates down for the couple of new models of laptops that are scheduled to be in the market very soon. It would be in competition to all of its rival players like Sony, Dell, Hewlett Packard and others. What really is meant by such news item is the kind of revolution which is brought in by these cheap laptops.

The trend is not new. Ever since its inception, the rates of laptops have gone down heavily. It was launched as a more mobile version of our own personal computer but now it is more a necessity than a luxury. Laptops are everywhere. There is even a plan of a cheap laptops which would be as cheap as £54 for every individual in the developing countries of Asia as India. However, India has rejected the offer. Laptops price have come down heavily in the UK market as well. Keeping in view the working class, laptops are meant to facilitate their working wherever they go in terms of storage and access the relevant information anywhere.

The modern UK market is going quite fast in terms of Laptop markets. starting from anywhere between £299 they can range as high as possible. The price can also go high by add the extra charges as VAT. It should also be considered that the rate of laptops varies keeping in view the various functions and features. The features as RAM, portability, weight of the machine, sleekness and even style is also considered while selecting one.

The online purchase of laptops is always suggested as that ways you are able to find the best buy with thorough research completely online. There are a lot of comparison sites that are able to provide you the best buy considering your budget and a suitable laptop in that range consisting of the desired features. Plus there are lots of additional benefits that are given along with the whole deal.

Laptop Skins Enhance the Computer Experience

As the technology improves, you may notice laptop clamshells appear sleeker and thinner than ever before. Many are made available in standard colors like slate blue and silver, yet are still attractive and functional.

Of course, no two laptop users are the same, just as no two laptops are used for the same purpose. The serious businessperson will appreciate the design of his laptop as is, and leave all the necessary bells and whistles on the hard drive. For the creative user who wishes to establish an identity, a laptop skin may be the ticket for computer enhancement.

What is a laptop skin? Essentially, it is a vinyl covering that affixes to the top shell of the laptop computer. As you open your laptop to work, whether at school or the coffeehouse, people will be able to see the design of your choosing. Think of it as wallpaper for the outside of the computer. Laptop skins may replicate famous artworks or display logos of favorite sports team, or may enhance the look of your computer with a psychedelic or quirky design.

A quick Internet search for laptop skins will land you hundred of leads on retailers. Depending upon the style and size of the skin, you can expect to pay at least twenty dollars to dress up your computer.

Why do you need a laptop skin? Some might dismiss skins as a frivolity, but under certain circumstances laptop skins can be quite functional.


When you create a custom designed laptop skin, you are creating an identity. In a sea of conformity, where everybody uses similar styles of computers, one can get lost. Having a laptop skin reflects your personality and may even establish your unique qualities. Plus, if you're in a crowd and have set down your computer, you will be able to find it much more quickly!


Depending upon the style of skin you use, you might find it protects the clamshell quite well. Having a laptop skin can guard your shell from dings and scratches and whatever else befalls a computer during transit.


A custom laptop skin can enhance your brand, which is especially helpful if you sell products. Create a custom skin with your business logo, URL, or phone number. Your laptop becomes a small billboard that everybody will see as you work in coffee shops or other public places that offer free wireless. Twenty dollars is great investment for lasting advertising.